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Pregnancy Photoshot

Meeting about 1 month before the birth,  shooting is done outdoor or in places that is special for you and your family such as home or baby room.  It is aimed to capture as natural moments as possible.

This shooting can also be a phase of your birth story, or be only shoot for the period of pregnancy. And the shoots can be in place of first pages of album.

We avoid of tiring mother and photo shooting takes 1 or 2 hours.

Birth (Hospital) Photo Shooting

It is aimed to arrive hospital before you do (Planned birth such as Caesarean).

Entering room, last moments in mother’s womb, passing to surgery room, at the moment of birth.

After the birth, the first family pose and meeting moment of family with baby on the room. (If mother is very tired after the birth, after-birth shoot can be performed on a determined day.

Newborn Photo Shooting

About one week after birth, the family is visited at a determined day and hour.

The baby and mother have recovered a little more. We photograph the baby in the place where he lives with the mother and father.

Birth Story

Including pregnancy, birth and newborn photo shooting.

Prenatal Pregnancy Photoshoot Samples

How about we accompany you on your the happiest day?
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